Friday, December 6, 2013

Beautiful Parade sets at the NAN 2012 in Lexington KY.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these lovely saddles.


Alyssa (CBL) said...

Is the fifth parade picture a Tiffany Purdy horse, rider and tack? I have a feeling that it is.

Vicky said...

Yes, Alyssa, that is Tiff's. The 1,2,3 and 6 are by me. The one on the buckskin Indy is the one I showed. The first one belongs to Cindy McMahon, the third one belongs to Tom/Annette Dean. The one on the black Indy belongs to Shannon Hayden. Tiffany's was champ and Shannon's was reserve champ.

Vicky said...

And I forgot, 7th down belongs to Kellye Bussey. The saddle is an older SBY set and is still absolutely gorgeous!

Alyssa (CBL) said...

the 7th saddle is stunning, you are right. I love all of the pictures. Thanks for replying!

task management software for agencies said...

These horses are the most beautiful in the world! You are very talented! How do you do that?! :) congrats!!

Becky Champagne said...

Wow, such meticulous work, Beautiful horses & saddles.