" Winners from NAN 2011"
Tucson, AZ
A veiw of some of the Champions
Hello! welcome to my Hobby Blog. In my blog I will be sharing with you the Art of Western Tack for Model Horses. I will also talk about buying, showing and judging. This is a wonderful Hobby. I know many of you have special hobbies. I would love to hear about each of them. Thanks for looking at my Blog and please leave a comment or two!!:) Wishing the best for you all!
To make a curb chain, it takes two 1/16 strips of leather lace about 1 1/2 inches long, two buckles of choise, chain links of 3, and two small rings. |
Skiver the leather lace very thin. |
Add buckles to ends of leather lace. |
Add rings to chain links, place leather lace inside rings and position close to ring and glue. |
Here I'm giving the leather lace a little stain to darken them. |
I've placed the curb chain on one side of the bit. The leather lace is a little long, that's ok this is trimmed at the finishing of the bridle. |
Beautiful! the finished look. |
Here I'm checking for fit. I want the buckle to fit between the eye and the ear. At live shows I have seen the buckles at the eye, ( as a judge this is something I frown upon.) |
The customer asked for a single ear piece. This piece is from Sulser Saddlery on line. |
Just slip the ear piece into place. |
I like this look, nice and neat. |
Here I've started the straps for the breast collar. I add the stitch marks to give it that finished look. |
Skiver each piece. |
The center piece is in place, now for the side silver. |
After adding the first silver strip I messure for the next one. |
The mark on the leather tells me where the next silver strip will start. |
Looking good! |
This is the hardware for the the center strap to attach to the cinch. |
The leather strap has a buckle at one end and the clip on the other. Here I'm gluing the clip and ring to the strap. |
All most done. I've sealed it all with Tan Kote. |
I added the straps to the breast collar that attaches to the saddle breast collar dee rings. A beautiful piece to compliment the saddle. |